
Gavriel! (they/them) is me, a 29 y/o queer mixed race student, & Jew-in-progress, who has had a pretty fucked up life and is enjoying myself anyway. Particularly mentally ill and multiply disabled, this makes me cute until it makes me a honey badger (then I'm a cute honey badger).

❧ Hobbies: writing (prose, poetry, essays, etc.), skateboarding, cooking, playing music, tarot & spiritual work

❧ Likes: Herman Melville's Moby Dick, coffee, video games (RPGs and visual novels esp.), TTRPGs, aggressive and/or weird birds, marine life, internet culture, weed, psychological horror genre, driving at night

❧ Dislikes: Summer, T.S. Eliot (personal reasons), watching comedies in movie theatres, the taste of pink 2mg prazosin capsules, my chronic illnesses, the dark, inattentive drivers (we are piloting murderous metal monstrosities please be courteous)

❧ Current Obsessions: dot Hack series (RPG), Heaven Will Be Mine (visual novel), drumming styles, electroswing

Current WIPs

⁌ essay about the games dot Hack, Heaven Will Be Mine, and how they reflect our real (political) world of dying hope and longing (and how we can heal our hope and world too.)

⁌ poem chapbook about identity and alienation from humanity

⁌ short story collection

⁌ zine(?) of short stories based on Lemon Demon's album Spirit Phone